Let him who has ears, hear!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Works Completed or In Progress

REID, JAMES (1750-1837)

Memoirs of the Lives and Writings of Those Eminent Divines Who Convened in the Famous Assembly at Westminster, in the Seventeenth Century (2 Volumes) - 1811

CONTENTS OF VOLUME I: Rev. William Twisse, D.D.; Cornelius Burgess, D.D.; John White, M.A.; John Arrowsmith, D.D.; Simeon Ashe; Theodore Backhurst; Thomas Baylie, B.D.; John Bond; Oliver Bowles, B.D.; William Bridge, A.M.; Anthony Burgess, A.M.; Jeremiah Burroughs, A.M.; Richard Byfield, M.A.; Edmund Calamy, B.D.; William Carter; Thomas Carter; Joseph Caryl, A.M.; Thomas Case, M.A.; Daniel Cawdrey, A.M.; Humphrey Chambers, D.D.; Francis Cheynell, D.D.; Peter Clark, M.A.; Richard Cleyton, M.A. of Showell; Thomas Coleman, M.A.; John Conant, D.D.; Edward Corbet, D.D.; Philip Delme; Calbute Downing, D.D.; The Rev. John Dury; Thomas Ford, M.A.; John Foxcroft, A.M.; Hannibal Gammon, A.M.; Thomas Gataker, B.D.; Mr. John Gibbon, of Waltham; Samuel Gibson; George Gipps; William Goode, B.D.; Thomas Goodwin, D.D.; William Gouge, D.D.; Stanley Gower; John Greene, M.A.; William Greenhill, A.M.

CONTENTS OF VOLUME II: Henry Hall, B.D. of Norwich; Humphrey Hardwick; Robert Harris, D.D.; Charles Herle, A.M.; Richard Heyrick, A.M. of Manchester; Gaspar Hickes, A.M.; Thomas Hill, D.D.; Thomas Hodges, B.D.; Joshua Hoyle, D.D.; John Jackson, A.M.; John Langley; John Ley, A.M.; John Lightfoot, D.D.; John De La March; Stephen Marshall, B.D.; John Maynard, A.M.; William Mewe, B.D.; Thomas Micklethwait; Matthew Newcomen, M.A.; Philip Nye, M.A.; Henry Painter, B.D. of Exeter; Herbert Palmer, B.D.; Edward Peale of Compton; Andrew Perne, A.M.; John Philips; Benjamin Pickering; Samuel De La Place; William Price, B.D.; Nicholas Proffet; William Rathband, M.A.; William Reyner, B.D.; Edward Reynolds, D.D.; Arthur Salwey; Henry Scudder, B.D.; Lazarus Seaman, D.D.; Obadiah Sedgwick, B.D.; Sidrach Simpson, B.D.; Peter Smith, D.D.; William Spurstowe, D.D.; Edmund Staunton, D.D.; Peter Sterry, B.D.; John Strickland, B.D.; Francis Taylor, B.D.; Thomas Temple, D.D.; Christopher Tesdale, A.M.; Thomas Thorowgood, B.D.; Anthony Tuckney, D.D.; Thomas Valentine, B.D.; Richard Vines, A.M.; George Walker, B.D.; John Wallis, D.D.; John Ward; John Whincop, D.D.; Jeremiah Whitaker, A.M.; Henry Wilkinson, B.D.; Henry Wilkinson, D.D.; Thomas Wilson, A.M.; Francis Woodcock, A.B.; Thomas Young, D.D.; SCOTTISH COMMISSIONERS: Robert Baillie, D.D.; George Gillespie; Alexander Henderson; Samuel Rutherford; SCRIBES: Adoniram Byfield, A.M.; Henry Roborough; APPENDIX; Additional Information; Confession of Faith and other Pieces composed by the Reverend and Vererable Assembly of Divines at Westminster; Conclusion; An Exhortation made to the Honorable House of Commons, and Reverend Divines of the Assembly, by Mr. Nye, Before he read the Covenant; A Speech Delivered by Mr. Alexander Henderson, immediately before the taking of the Covenant by the House of commons, and Assembly of Divines

James Reid was born in the Parish of Shotts, August 12, 1750. He was licensed to preach at Foulyet, in the Parish of Bothwell, April 27, 1780, being then in his thirtieth year, and was appointed to preach his first sermon at Edinburgh, on the 7th of May following. After preaching in different places for about three years, he received a call from the Reformed Presbyterian Chruch in the counties of Wigtown and Kircudbright; and was ordained at Lead Mines, in the Parish of Monigaff, on the 10th of July, 1783. He was married on the 26th of December, 1786, to Helen, daughter of James Bland, of Calside, Parish of Anwoth. When the mission to America was proposed to him, though the acceptance of it involved many personal sacrifies, he could not doubt that it was his duty to accept it. He left Scotland for America in aughst, 1789, and reached Scotland, on his return, in July, 1790. He resumed his labours with his accustomed diligence, though, after a few years, his field was somewhat reduced by a separate congregation being formed within its limits. About the year 1825, in consequence of a decision of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, which Mr. Reid regarded as involving a departure from its former Testimonies, he judged it his duty to withdraw, and actually did withdraw, from the communion of the Synod, and maintained his separate standing, in connection with a few others, till his death. In the spring of 1828 he removed from Newton Stewart, which had been the place of his residence, to Glasgow, where he afterwards lived with his daughter, Mrs. Stuart. He continued, for some, to preach once on the Sabbath to such as adhered to his views of the Testimony of the Church; but even this came soon to over-task his strength. He died, at length, of a sudden and severe illness, on the 4th of November, 1837, in the eighty-seventh year of his age. He was distinguished for great gravity, kindliness of manner, and regularity in all his movements. He published The Lives of the Westminster Divines, in two volumes; and a Somon on the divinity of Jesus Christ.


Biblical Hermeneutics (1890 Edition)

Biblical Hermeneutics, Second Edition, A Treatise on the Interpretation of the Old and New Testaments by Milton Spenser Terry is a practical textbook is "the most exhaustive single work in our language on the history of the interpretation of the Scriptures." So affirms Dr. Wilbur M. Smith, well-known Bible scholar. Milton S. Terry's book on 'Biblical Hermeneutics' (the science of interpretation) is conveniently divided into three main areas: Part I — Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics, Part II — Principles of Biblical Hermeneutics, Part III — History of Biblical Interpretation. This ideal standard textbook abstains from dogmatism and adheres strictly to the method of scientific and conscientious inquiry. It ranks as a classic in its field. Adapted to meet the practical needs of most students studying the Word of God, 'Biblical Hermeneutics' is a model text for interpreting the Bible.

TERRY, Milton Spenser, clergyman, b. in Covemans, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1840. He" was graduated at the Charlotteville, N. Y., seminary in 1859, and at Yale divinity-school in 1862. After being ordained a clergyman in the Methodist Episcopal church he held various pastorates from 1863 till 1884, when he was elected to the chair of Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis in Garrett Biblical Institution, Evanston, Illinois. The degree of S. T. D. was conferred on him in 1879 by Wesleyan university, and he was elected to the American Oriental society in 1871, and in 1883 to the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. Dr. Terry has written articles for the " Methodist Quarterly Review," and has published tracts on " Swedenborgianism " (New York, 1872); and " Man's Antiquity and Language "
(1881): " Commentaries on the Historical Books of the Old Testament" (2 vols., 1873-75); and " Biblical Hermeneutics " (1883).

As a faculty member at Garrett Biblical Institute, he taught courses for Northwestern on "Biblical Literature" beginning 1894. Among his publications were Biblical Apocalyptics (1898), Rambles in the Old World (a travel guide, 1894), The Sibylline Oracles (a translation, 1899, reprinted 1973), and work on the ordination of women.

BROWN, JOHN (1722-1787)

The Psalms of David in Metre, with Notes by John Brown of Haddington (1793 Edition)

THE PSALMS OF DAVID IN METRE (i.e. the Scottish Metrical Psalter of 1650): Allowed By the Authority of the Kirk of Scotland, and of Several Branches of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. With Notes, Exhibiting the Connection, Explaining the Sense, and for Directing and Animating the Devotion (1844 edition published by Robert Carter [New York]) John Brown of Haddington (annotations).
Psalter as translated by Francis Rouse, the Westminster Divines, and the Scottish General Assembly (from 1646-1650)

This is the Psalter (less Brown's notes, which were added later) mandated, approved and used (for public and private worship) by the Westminster Assembly and all those who covenanted to uphold the Biblical Reformation that these Divines proclaimed. The text of the Scottish Metrical Psalms was authorized by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1650. The notes added by Brown are suitable for explaining the Psalm before singing and are a great aid to understanding and worship (whether public, family or private). Every song leader (especially fathers for family worship) should have a copy of this edition of the Scottish Psalter with Brown's notes.
Another big plus with this Psalter is that the Psalms, excepting one, are rendered into common metre (with some alternate versions added) and thus can be sung by even those with almost no knowledge of music. For example, the tune to "Amazing Grace" is one of the many tunes that fits with all common metre renderings. And even Psalm 136, the one Psalm not in common metre, can be sung to any common metre tune, as it adds only one extra syllable to the end of every second line. Maybe not the delight of the accomplished musician, but certainly calculated to make the Psalms easily accessible to young and old alike (an attainment surely pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ) -- as this Psalter was purposely produced to foster international (and covenanted) Reformation.

John Brown, Scottish divine, was born at Carpow, in Perthshire. He was almost entirely self-educated, having acquired a knowledge of Latin, Greek and Hebrew while employed as a shepherd. His early career was varied, and he was in succession a packman, a soldier in the Edinburgh garrison in 1745, and a school-master. He was, from 1750 till his death, minister of the Burgher branch of the Secession church in Haddington. From 1786 he was professor of divinity for his denomination, and was mainly responsible for the training of its ministry. He gained a just reputation for learning and piety. The best of his many works are his Self-Interpreting Bible and Dictionary of the Bible, works that were long very popular. The former was translated into Welsh. He also wrote an Explication of the Westminster Confession, and a number of biographical and historical sketches.

George Gillespie (1613-1648)
Wholesome Severity Reconciled with Christian Liberty (1644)
The subtitle of this work is "The true resolution of a present controversy concerning liberty of conscience. Here you have the question stated, the middle way betwixt popish tyranny and schismatizing liberty approved, and also confirmed from Scripture, and the testimonies of divines, yea of whole churches: the chief arguments and exceptions used in "The Bloody Tenent of Persecution for Cause of Conscience, discussed, in A Conference between Truth and Peace (1644)" by Roger Williams, "The Compassionate Samaritane, Unbinding the Conscience (1644/45)" by William Walwyn, and "M.S. to A.S., with a Plea for Liberty of Conscience (1644)" by John Goodwin.

Wholesome Severity Reconciled With Christian Liberty, or, The True Resolution of a Present Controversy Concerning Liberty of Conscience (1644) is a most rare and valuable resource. A masterpiece! Wholesome Severity was written during the sitting of the Westminster Assembly and demonstrates why Gillespie is considered one of the most influential Divines of the seventeenth century. Here we have the question stated (regarding liberty of conscience), the middle (or biblical) way between Popish tyranny and Schismatizing liberty approved, and also confirmed from Scripture, with the testimonies of Divines, yea of whole churches added to vindicate Christ's kingship (over the idolatry of the rule of an ill-informed, sinful conscience sitting in judgement upon the truth of the Word of God). The chief arguments of exception used in (Roger Williams) The Bloudy Tenet, The Compassionate Samaritane, M.S. to A.S. etc. are examined herein and Gillespie also deals with many of the thorny questions related to the abiding validity of the Old Testament judicial laws. Eight distinctions are added for qualifying and clearing the whole matter. In conclusion, a moving brotherly appeal is addressed to the five Apologists (Independents at the Assembly) for choosing accommodation rather then toleration. This is classic Scottish (covenanted) Presbyterianism at its best, a work that can be listened to over and over with increasing profit! This exceedingly rare essay is not found in Gillespie's Works or The Presbyterian Armoury.

George Gillespie was a Scottish theologian. He was born at Kirkcaldy, and studied at St. Andrews University. He became one of the ministers of Edinburgh, and was a member of the Westminster Assembly, in which he took a prominent part. A man of notable intellectual power, he exercised an influence remarkable in view of the fact that he died in his 36th year. He was one of the most formidable controversialists of a highly controversial age. His best known work is Aaron's Rod Blossoming, a defence of the ecclesiastical claims of the high Presbyterian party.
Benjamin Brook 1776-1848
Lives of the Puritans, 3 Volumes - 1813
The Lives of the Puritans presents biographical accounts of those divines who distinguished themselves in the cause of religious liberty, from the reformation under Queen Elizabeth, to the Act of uniformity in 1662.

Benjamin Brook was a non-conformist divine and historian. In 1797 he entered Rotherdham College as a student for the ministry. In 1801 he became the first pastor of the congregationalist church at Tutbury. He resigned the ministry in 1830, due to ill health. He died near Birmingham, January 5, 1848, at the age of 72.

James Anderson 1804-1863

Memorable Women of the Puritan Times, 2 Volumes - 1862
With the resurgent interest in the writings of the Puritans, there is also an increased interest in them as people -- their lives, their passions, and their struggles. Biographies have been written about the men known as Puritans, but woefully little has been written about the great women who stood beside these men. The wives and mothers of Puritan leaders shaped their lives as much as did their mentors and instructors. Here are stories of 25 women who influenced history and the kingdom of God by their relationship with and to the men God placed in their lives. Some of the women whose stories are told in this two volume set are:
Elizabeth, wife of John Bunyan
Katharine Matthews, wife of Philip Henry
Margaret Charlton, wife of Richard Baxter
Mary Cromwell, daughter of Oliver Cromwell
Margaret Tindal, wife of John Winthrop
Elizabeth Steward, mother of Oliver Cromwell
Elizabeth Bourchier, wife of Oliver Cromwell
Mary Love, wife of Christopher Love
Anne Dudley, wife of Simon Bradstreet
Mary Dyer, wife of William Dyer
Edward W. Hooker 1794-1875
Life of Thomas Hooker 1849

Edward William Hooker, clergyman, was a seventh generation descendant of Thomas Hooker. He was born November 24, 1794 at Goshen, Connecticut. He graduated from Middlebury College, A.B. in 1814, A.M. in 1817, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1818. He served as the pastor of the Congregational chruch, Green's Farms, Connecticut, 1821-1829; editor of the "Journal of Humanity", Andover, and general agent of the American Temperance society, 1829-1832; pastor of First Congregational Church of Bennington, Vermont 1832-1844; professor of rhetoric and eccledsiastical history at the East Windsor Theological seminary, 1844-1848; pastor at South Windsor, Connecticut, 1849-1856, and at Fair Haven, Vermont 1856-1862. He was trustee of Middlebury college, 1834-1844; and received the degree of D.D. from Williams in 1840. His the author of: "A Plea for Sacred Music; A Memoir of Mrs. S. L. H. Smith (1845); The Life of Thomas Hooker (1849)." He died at Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, March 31, 1875.
Thomas Hooker 1586-1647
Poor Doubting Christian: Drawn to Christ 1629 (1845)
The issues of a tender conscience and assurance of salvation are such that they can greatly perplex many true believers. This book offers help and guidance in how to use the Word of God for evidence and assurance, and practical instructions in obtaining an interest in God's promises. Thomas Hooker (1586-1647), who was eventually to become the founder of Hartford, Connecticut, was the first rector of Esher, in Surrey, England. Francis Drake was his patron and benefactor there. Drake's wife was under the impression that she had committed the unpardonable sin and she could find no ease for her conscience or peace for her troubled mind until Thomas Hooker began to deal pastorally with her. This book came out of his successful efforts in dealing with Mrs. Drake's troubled soul.

Thomas Hooker (1586-1647)
Rev. Thomas Hooker was born in Leicestershire, England on July 7, 1586. He was educated at Queen's College, Cambridge, and later at Emmanuel College, "the nursery of the Puritans," as it was called. He received both the B.A. and M.A. degrees. He ministered in Chelmsford, Essex for a time, where he was very popular with the other ministers, and distinguished himself for comforting afflicted and doubting souls. Fleeing Archbishop William Laud's persecution of those with Puritan leanings, Hooker went first to Holland, where he preached in Amsterdam for two years, and then sailed for New England in 1633. He settled first in Boston, and then removed to Hartford, from which place he was actively and conspicuously involved in all the major political and theological issues and debates of his day, including the antinomian controversy with Anne Hutchinson. He died in July 1647; his death was mourned as a public calamity.
Thomas Vincent 1634-1678
Shorter Catechism Explained 1674 (1806)
In the opinion of B. B. Warfield, the Westminster divines left to posterity not only 'the most thoroughly thought out statement ever penned of the elements of evangelical religion' but also one which breathes 'the finest fragrance of spiritual religion'. Their most influential work, The Shorter Catechism, was intended as a teaching basis for an introduction to the Christian Faith. No London pastor made more effective use of it than Thomas Vincent and when his 'explanation' was first published in 1674, John Owen, Thomas Watson along with 38 other signatories to the Preface, declared their belief that it would 'be greatly useful to all Christians in general'. Numerous reprints were to verify their judgment of this Puritan classic.

Vincent, a student of Christ Church, Oxford, was ejected from the living of St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street, in 1662. He was long remembered for his fearless preaching amidst the dying multitudes of London in the Great Plague of 1665.